
The Faith Formation Committee develops within the parish an awareness that the parish community has the responsibility for promoting the educational / formational aspect of the Church’s mission. Christian Formation is a lifelong process aimed at personal conversion and growth in faith. This committee gives advice to staff members on the design, implementation and evaluation of the total Christian educational/formational program in the parish, which includes: sacramental preparation, adult and family ministry, youth ministry, school ministry and child ministry.

The committee structure provides for a comprehensive approach to Christian education/formation by acting as the overall coordinating and integrating body regarding all aspects of Christian education/formation in the parish. This committee respects the roles and responsibilities of the parish employees as defined in their job descriptions.

  1. Assists in the development of the long-range plans for Christian education/ formation of the parish providing for a comprehensive approach for all ages and stages in life.
  2. Identifies parish needs regarding Christian education/formation programs.
  3. Develops and recommends to the parish council educational/formational policies which are consistent with archdiocesan policies and guidelines.
  4. Determines budget priorities in the areas of the committee’s responsibilities and makes recommendations to the parish council through the Administrative Committee.
  5. Develops sources of revenue for the operations of the educational/formational programs in conformity with parish policies and in collaboration with program administrators.
  6. Assists the pastor/administrator in defining the roles, responsibilities and relationships (job descriptions) of the educational administrators and parish council regarding educational/formational programs. Committee members may serve on search, grievance or conciliation committees.
  7. Facilitates communication and coordination among all educational/formational programs of the parish by reporting to the parish council, the parish community, the district and archdiocese.