Advent at St. Benedict

Cherish Christ Above All

Advent at St. Benedict

Dear Parishioners,

We will soon be entering into the sacred season of Advent. Traditionally Advent requires two things of us: Waiting and Watching. Neither of which many of us are all that good at. Whom likes to wait? Whom likes to be quiet?

We spend time Waiting to welcome the newborn Christ who was born and became part of our world (which we celebrate on December 25th); and waiting to welcome the second coming of Christ at the end times (in which we do a “spiritual check-up” to see if we are leading good moral lives; if not, what do we need to change for the better?).

We also focus on Quiet Reflection. Our world and our lives are filled with countless distractions, busy schedules, and deadlines. We try to spend time in quiet prayer, this helps us to listen to God speaking to us and focus on what truly matters in our lives – our faith, family, friendships, and reaching out to those less fortunate.

There are many opportunities at St. Benedict to help us grow spiritually this Advent season – from our Giving Tree and Reconciliation Services, to Lessons and Carols, The Infancy Narrative of Jesus, and An Adult Appreciation of the Christmas Story.  Please take some time to read about these offerings by downloading the newsletter below and see if any appeal to you.

“Advent invites us to a commitment to vigilance, looking beyond ourselves, expanding our mind and heart in order to open ourselves up to the needs of others.”  Pope Francis

God’s blessings to you on your Waiting and Quiet Reflection this Advent Season! 

Fr. Mark